Advantages and Disadvantages of Advergaming
Advergaming is an innovative method for decreasing ad fatigue. It is an ad in
form of a game. Companies are able to promote their products through the
elements integrated into a game increasing brand awareness. This makes the
users talk about the products while talking about the game. The primary
objective is to build a positive brand image with consumers, as well as
familiarity and association with brands.

Advantages of Advergaming:
- Increase brand awareness: Advergaming creates an interaction with the brand by spreading word of mouth with their known people. This will increase the awareness among users by letting them know about the product.
- Suitable for any business: Advergaming is for every industry irrespective of the kind of product it is. Success depends on the game created and the enjoyment of the user during the game. This will definitely create a brand recall value.
- Long-term results: Users tend to forget about the product and move on once the ad campaign is over. Advergaming will remain on users device for a longer period of time creating a brand recall value. Users might know that the game is actually an ad but yet they will engage as they are having fun with the characters created based on the products.
- Market Research: Other companies have used the virtual world of advergames to get valuable feedback from potential customers about products they have not yet released.
Training and Education: Advergaming is a new and fun way to train employees or even campaign for public office. Games are created as per the subject to be taught and trained about where employees take part with interest.
Cost Sharing: Players have an opportunity to play for free when advertisers are promoting their product adding cost to video games. It would have been very difficult for free online game sites to continue if advertisers were not a part of the commercial.
Disadvantages of Advergaming:
- High cost: Advergaming and Mobile advertising comparatively brings and expensive campaign even though creation cost of mobile games have decreased than before.
- Demands creativity: The game created in advergaming need to leverage in new techniques to generate interest and bring uniqueness in the game which will not be similar to other games present in the market. This will create attention of the player for longer period of time.
- Requires promotion: The game created needs to be promoted to increase awareness about the game which will let the users know about the product as well due to the connection between two.
Advergaming has lot of benefits provided considering marketing budget is allowing the same. Even though it’s not a completely new technique business will get long term results due to this